Leonid Keselman

                  I am a PhD student at the Robotics Institute, part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where I work on 3D computer vision. My PhD advisor is Martial Hebert.

                  From 2011 to 2017, I worked at Intel, as part of Intel RealSense. I primarily designed computer vision algorithms for efficient hardware ASICs, including the Intel RealSense R200 and 旋风加速器.apk RGB-D sensors. Additionally, I worked on software APIs, active illumination systems, human-computer interaction devices, and helped develop demos for trade shows, including CES 2012-2016.

                  I have an MS in Computer Science (AI focus) from Stanford University, where I was a research assistant for Silvio Savarese and a teaching assistant for Fei-Fei Li (CS131 & CS231N). I have a BS in EECS from UC Berkeley, where I worked in 旋风加速器app官网 lab.

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                  I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, optimization, graphics and robotics.


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                  Leonid Keselman
                  ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2025
                  arxiv / code / slides /

                  A bibliometric/scientometric project. Our main two results are a method of assigning value to all venues in computer science and a method to organize them into distinct subfields, all without using citation data. The resulting venue scores can be used to rank universities’ by scholarly output, and produce a responsive author-level metric.

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                  极光加速器 安全吗

                  旋风加速器专业版官网, Martial Hebert
                  Computer and Robot Vision Conference, 2025
                  arxiv / code / slides /

                  A formulation for fitting Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) directly to geometric objects, such as a triangular mesh. This method produces more robust results and produces an improvement in 3D registration for both meshes and RGB-D frames.

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                  极光加速器 安全吗

                  Leonid Keselman, John Iselin Woodfill, Anders Grunnet-Jepsen, Achintya Bhowmik
                  旋风跑跑ios版下载_旋风跑跑官网ios版 v2.2.8-嗨客手机站:2021-12-31 · 旋风跑跑官网ios版是一款韩国非常火爆的跑酷游戏,这款中文版是特别为中国玩家定制的哦,游戏除保留了原作靓丽、可爱、细腻的画面外,中国版中大量加入了本地化元素:巍峨雄伟的万里长城、能力无敌的超级麒麟、憨态可掬的国宝熊猫等等,更有神秘角色等待玩家来一一探索。, 2017
                  arxiv /

                  Technical and design details of the Intel RealSense R200 and D400 series

                  project image

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                  Leonid Keselman, Sterling Orsten, Stan Melax
                  CVPR Workshops (HANDS), 2015
                  slides /

                  An invited talk for the 旋风加速器xf5app workshop at CVPR 2015. This includes further details about the efficiency of our rigid-body solver, our machine-learning tools, and some details about our data annotation process.

                  project image

                  极光加速器 安全吗

                  Stan Melax, Leonid Keselman, Sterling Orsten
                  Graphics Interfaces, 2013
                  arxiv / code /

                  【旋风加速器】-百度搜索详情 - SEO追词网:2021-4-25 · 旋风加速器近30日平均搜索45,052次,其中移动端35,728次,pc端9,317次;目前只有极少的竞价对手,在过去的一周内,旋风加速器在精确触发下推至页首所需要的最低价格为2.24元。百度收录与旋风加速器有关结果0个。前50名中有9个顶级域名,8个 ...

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                  Stan Melax, Leonid Keselman, Sterling Orsten
                  ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2013
                  旋风加速器app官网 /

                  A tracking algorithm that was real-time on a consumer laptop. Won Best Poster Award.

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                  My responsibilities included system performance, components of the stereo algorithm on the imaging ASIC, and contributions to the design of laser projector pattern.

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                  patent / patent #2 / patent #3 /

                  A low-cost dense, configurable projector system for RGB-D depth sensors.

                  project image

                  Depth Image Enhancement

                  patent /

                  Algorithms to filter, enhance and clean-up RGB-D data streams.


                  Real-time Box Measurement

                  旋风加速官网 / video #2 /

                  Using a single depth sensor, real-time detection of cuboids, accurate estimation of their dimensions, and even some bin-packing.



                  旋风ios / patent #2 /

                  Finger tracking on a microcontroller, with optics tricks and some HCI ideas

                  project image

                  Stereoscopic depth reconstruction with probabilistic pixel correspondence search

                  patent /

                  A fast method for performing stereo depth maps.

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                  These include coursework, side projects and unpublished research work.

                  project image

                  Dice Stacking: A Dynamic Manipulation Task

                  CMU 16-741 Mechanics of Manipulation
                  paper / video / code /

                  With Hunter Goforth, we designed a manipulation task and solved it with imitation learning.

                  project image

                  Introspective Neural Networks

                  CMU 16-824: Visual Learning and Recognition
                  paper /

                  Using pre-trained neural networks to improve fine grained recognition via style transfer.

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                  CMU 16-745: Dynamic Optimization
                  paper /

                  Using a very simple algorithm to solve some very simple environments

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                  Optimizing for Physical Simulation

                  CMU 16-745: Dynamic Optimization
                  code /

                  With Chris Atkeson and Alex Spitzer. Using optimizers to match an observed trajectory.

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                  Stanford CS225A: Experimental Robotics
                  paper / video / video #2 /

                  Making a 6-DoF PUMA arm solve a maze with real-time vision and tracking.

                  project image

                  荒野乱斗安卓版国际服在哪下?IOS国际服在哪下?_搜一搜 ...:今天 · 荒野乱斗国服在6月9日正式上线,热度非凡,不少小伣伴在体验完国服后还不满足,想要入坑国际服去和全世界玩家激情对战。我伞就为想要安装国际服却无从下手的玩家伞准备了详细的入坑攻略,解决荒野乱斗国际服在哪下的问题。搜一搜手游网为您提供最新,最全,热门手游攻略资讯!

                  Stanford CS234: Deep Reinforcement Learning

                  Work with Aaron Goodman on used reinforcement learning to discover implicit collusion strategies in the context of an iterated prisoner’s dilemma.

                  project image

                  Computational models for text summarization

                  Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing
                  paper / 旋风加速器ios下载二维码 / code / poster /

                  Work with Ludwig Schubert on simplified encoders stages for text summarization.

                  project image

                  Superresolution Micrscopy

                  Stanford CS371: Computational Biology in Four Dimensions
                  code / slides /

                  An implementation of Faster STORM using compressed sensing.



                  Stanford CS270: Modeling Biomedical Systems
                  paper / poster /

                  Using the Yelp dataset of reviews to model the semantics and relationships between cuisines, businesses and other properties useful for restaurant recommendations.

                  project image


                  Stanford CS224W: Social and Information Network Analysis
                  paper /

                  Using graph models, we track the development of financial networks over the 20th century.

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                  Gradient-learned Models for Stereo Matching

                  Stanford CS231A: Computer Vision, From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition
                  paper / code /

                  Some re-implementations of standard stereo correspondence algorithms, along with experiments using classification for stereo matching.

                  project image

                  Multimodal Natural Language Inference

                  Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding
                  paper / video /

                  We explored how natural language inference tasks can be augmented with visual data.


                  CNNs for 3D Model Classification

                  Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
                  paper / poster /

                  3D shape classification by learning an embedding function into a 2D image and using a pre-trained ImageNet network. At the time, got state-of-the-art results for single-view classification on ShapeNet40.

                  project image

                  Wide-angle Stereo Lenses

                  Stanford CS448I: Computational Imaging and Display
                  paper / poster /

                  We introduce various projection functions in the analysis of stereoscopic depth sensors.

                  project image


                  Stanford CS221: Artificial Intelligence
                  website / paper / code / poster /

                  Detecting disease from a short description of symptoms. In some small testing, obtained nearly 90% top 5 accuracy and about 60% top 1 accuracy


                  Level-set based tracking and segmentation

                  Stanford CS279: Structure and Organization of Biomolecules and Cells
                  paper / 旋风加速官网下载ios /

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                  project image


                  code /

                  An O(1) time algorithm for producing smooth normals for quantized data, such as the Kinect.

                  project image



                  Work with Ankur Mehta, built a demonstration platform that used wireless low-weight, low-cost sensor platforms to monitor a golf swing.

                  project image

                  【qq旋风下载 官方版】QQ旋风 4.8-ZOL软件下载:2021-4-1 · QQ旋风4.3 (745)(2021.4.2) 离线下载升级为极速下载,速度更快,可加速下载文件更大 离线下载空间升级为旋风空间,10倍扩容,开通会员即可获得100G空间 修复了极速下载试用后,部分文件速度下降的问题 修复了部分崩溃问题 QQ旋风4.2 (739)(2021.1.4) 更新

                  UC Berkeley EE149: Embedded Systems

                  With Humphrey Hu, Ryan Julian, and Eric Yuan, a project to show the efficacy of multiple-robot collaborative state estimation. Using Wiimote cameras, mobile robot platforms, and real-time wireless communication.

                  project image

                  GINA: Low power design

                  UC Berkeley

                  For testing and validating the functionality of the GINA (Guidance and Inertial NAvigation) mote, a 1.6 gram sensor platform.

                  project image

                  GINA: Wireless sensor platform

                  UC Berkeley

                  I helped Anita Flynn and Thomas Watteyne build these small sensors and wrote firmware.

                  Design and source code from Jon Barron's website

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